Workshops and Invited Talks

Anson, C., Dannels, D. & Johnson-Young, E. A. (2013, February). Learning outside the box:

Using low-stakes writing and speaking to encourage critical and creative thinking.

Workshop presented at NC State’s Office of Faculty Development Workshop, Raleigh,


Anson, C., Dannels, D., & Johnson-Young, E. A. (2012, October). Why persistent lecturing in

a class is a lousy way to teach and learn…and what you can do about it. Workshop presented

at NC State’s Campus Writing and Speaking Program event, Raleigh, NC.

Cooper, E. L., Johnson, E. A., Long, S. E., Preston, M. P., and Shade, D. (2010, February).

Supporting GTAs: Building teaching confidence and competence. Practice session

presented at the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Blacksburg, VA.