Affiliations, Honors, and Extracurriculars

National and Regional

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), member

Division membership:

    • Communication Theory & Methods
    • Mass Communication & Society
    • Health, Environment, and Risk

National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing & Media

    • Research reviewer, 2013

National Communication Association (NCA), member

Division Membership:

    • Mass Communication
      • Research reviewer, 2014
    • Health Communication
    • Public Relations
    • Member of the Women’s Caucus


Preparing Future Leaders Graduate School Ambassador, 2013-2014

   North Carolina State University

Serve as one of ten graduate students from across the university nominated to represent the Preparing Future Leaders Program. In this capacity, ambassadors serve a leadership role within the graduate school, help to create, run, and organize graduate school workshops, promote PFL programs, speak to both students and faculty about PFL and graduate school programs, and provide other help to the graduate school (such as orientation).

Preparing Future Leaders Season Pass Certificate Holder, 2012

            North Carolina State University

            Participated in workshops within the graduate school in the following categories:

            Communication, Responsible Conduct of Research, Career Development,

            Leadership and Self-Awareness, Teaching and Mentoring

North Carolina State University Graduate Fellowship Award, 2011-2012

Nominated for Top Thesis Award in the Graduate School, 2010

Virginia Tech

Graduate Honor System Board Panelist, 2009-2010

Virginia Tech                       

Order of Omega Honor Fraternity, 2004-2006           


Positions: Secretary and Treasurer 


Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media Graduate Student Association2011-present

NC State University

Positions: President, Vice President, Secretary

Communication Graduate Student Association, 2008-2010

Virginia Tech

Positions: Secretary, Graduate Student Association Delegate, Faculty representative

Communication Laboratory (Comm Lab) Coach, 2008-2010

Virginia Tech

Served weekly duty in Comm Lab and assisted students from all departments with speech preparation for various types of speaking occasions